Sleep, Airway, and TMJ Solutions

The oral pathway

The ability to sleep, eat, and breathe easily is all connected in your mouth and airway. As dental professionals, we have the ability and the skills to diagnose sleep issues that start with your mouth and airway. We take a comprehensive approach to discover and affect how your oral structures function together.If you are having trouble sleeping, schedule a free sleep consultation to find out if any of the following solutions could benefit you.

Sleep Apnea Solutions

01 | Sleep Apnea
Oral Appliance

Sleep through the night with an oral appliance designed for patients with mild sleep apnea. While CPAP machines are still the gold-standard for sleep apnea treatment, some cannot tolerate it. Sleep Apnea oral appliances can help reduce the symptoms and effects of sleep apnea by simply moving your jaw into a forward position while you sleep. This position will expand your airway, helping you breathe better and reducing apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) and daytime sleepiness.

Photo of a team member and a paitent walking down a hallway

What is Obstructive
Sleep Apnea?

During sleep, the muscles in the mouth, jaw, and throat naturally relax. However, for those who have obstructive sleep apnea, these muscles become so relaxed that they collapse and obstruct the airway, making it difficult to breathe and commonly stopping breathing for a few seconds. The decreased flow of oxygen caused by sleep apnea usually results in sudden, repeated awakenings throughout the night – sometimes hundreds of times – and an overall poor quality of sleep.

Common Signs of Sleep Apnea

• Daytime Sleepiness
• Snoring
• High Blood Pressure
• Weight Issues

• Frequent Irritability
• Diabetes
• Acid Reflux
• Teeth Grinding

Because symptoms are largely present during sleep and often go unnoticed, only a small percentage of patients who suffer from sleep apnea have been diagnosed. Dr. Holman and her team are working to change that in the community by raising awareness, educating her patients and offering Sleep Consultations. 

American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine logo

Personalized for You

As a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and AADSM, and a diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, Dr. Holman and her team have access to the latest treatment methods for sleep disorders. Her team will work closely with you to advise your specific sleep issues and create a treatment plan for you. If a sleep appliance is necessary, we will design a custom fit oral appliance that will keep the lower jaw in a forward position while you sleep, allowing your airway to remain open for an uninterrupted, better night’s sleep.


Comfortable and Convenient Solution

While the traditional approach to treating sleep apnea is a CPAP machine, we use an FDA-approved appliance that is more like a simple mouthguard. It is small, portable, quiet, comfortable, and highly effective. The results lead to a good night’s sleep and more energy throughout the day as well as increased mental focus and clarity. Many patients (and their spouses) find treatment to be a lifesaver.‍

02 | snoring device

Snoring doesn’t merely interrupt your sleep cycle, it can also be embarrassing and disruptive to sleep partners. We can treat snoring with a dentist-prescribed snore guard appliance.

03 | Soft Palate Laser Treatment

Your soft palate, which is located at the back of the roof of your mouth, relaxes during sleep, narrowing your airway. A long or thick soft palate is one of the primary causes of snoring, but there is treatment available with our new laser technology. First, we will assess your soft palate to determine if it may be the cause of your snoring. Then we can perform a minimally invasive procedure to remodel your soft palate structure.

04 | Myobrace®

The Myobrace® System is a preventive pre-orthodontic solution designed to enhance sleep quality while working to promote proper natural jaw development, reducing the need for traditional orthodontic treatment. Children aged 3 to 15 wear a series of removable appliances for 1-2 hours during the day and while sleeping. The Myobrace® encourages the lips to remain closed and tongue to rest on the palate during sleep, opening the airway and promoting nasal breathing. This can help prevent symptoms of poor sleep quality, such as ADHD, bed wetting, snoring, and grinding.

Before and After photo from using Myobrace
Photo of a team member and a paitent walking down a hallway


•Corrects poor oral habits
•Develops & aligns the jaws
•Straightens the teeth
•Optimizes facial development
•Improves overall health
•Promotes healthy eating habits


• Breathe through the nose
•Correct tongue resting position
•Swallow correctly
•Keep lips together

05 | Adult & Child Tongue-Tie release

“Tongue Tie" is a condition that restricts the tongue's range of motion. Although tongue-tie is often identified and resolved in children and infants, treatment is also available for adults. Left untreated, patients often experience increasing levels of discomfort and complications. Tongue ties can impact speech and prevent the tongue from resting fully on the roof of the mouth during sleep, which can obstruct the upper airway. Tongue ties can also cause tension in the head and heck, resulting in headaches, teeth grinding, and poor posture. Some experience gag reflex sensitivity as a result of the tongue tie restricting their ability to swallow. Dr. Holman's advanced training allows her to treat patients of all ages.

Photo of Dr. Shaina Holman and Dr. Colin Pedersen

Symptoms and Complications in Adulthood

•Overcrowding of the teeth
•Narrowing of the teeth
•Speech and chewing difficulties
•Increased risk of sleep apnea and TMJ
•Chronic Head and Neck Tension

Functional Frenuloplasty

Having received extensive training by renowned Dr. Zaghi, Dr. Holman also performs functional frenuloplasty; an alternative approach to tongue-tie release which takes into consideration the changes that happen during a tongue-tie release, and prepares the body for the best post-treatment healing. Dr. Holman coordinates with local Speech and Language Pathologists to help ensure functional goals are achieved.


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Botox Treatment

The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) connects the bones and muscles of your upper and lower jaw. Pain in this area can make it difficult to chew, talk, and otherwise use your mouth. If TMJ pain persists, it can lead to headaches and migraines. Facial injections of Botox, which causes temporary immobility of the muscles, can lessen your symptoms and bring relief. It can also help manage teeth grinding (bruxism) and jaw clenching.

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(919) 932-7811